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The Grand Design 2010

Stephen Hawking is a very well known physicist that has had some fascinating theories about the creation and operation of the universe. His theories have been very well regarded among both those in the physics field and the general public. In addition to presenting many fascinating theories in the field of physics, Stephen Hawking also has been the Director of Research for the Center for Theoretical Cosmology. This is part of the well respected University of Cambridge. Furthermore, his work has been so widely known that Stephen Hawking has become a household name.

Stephen Hawking’s book, called The Grand Design, has been very popular. Furthermore, the book presents some fascinating theories of how the universe operates. The book discusses modern string theory, and Stephen Hawking unites modern ideas about string theory with a concept called M-Theory. M-Theory rests on the principle that there are more dimensions present than our 3 dimensional reality. In fact, the theory says that 11 dimensions are present in the universe. While these dimensions are not perceivable by humans, they have an effect on the way the universe operates. In his book, Stephen Hawking presents a number of different theories of physics that can be used to illustrate how the universe was born and operates.

His book argues that the universe can be explained using the laws of physics and only the laws of physics. He personally does not believe in the existence of a God, and he does not feel that it is necessary for God to exist to explain the existence of the universe. Instead, he tells about a theoretical model that could explain how the universe came into being, without the influence of any sort of divine creator. He also feels that science cannot disprove God’s existence, and the theories presented in his book do not discredit any spiritual beliefs.

He begins the book by talking about a history of how science sought to explain the universe. Very early on, the ancient Greeks theorized that science may be able to explain how the universe operates rather than the divine. Then, he explains how later philosophers began to theorize about the Earth not being at the center of the universe. Of course, these theorists turned out to be correct. Then, Stephen Hawking begins to discuss more modern concepts of how the universe operates. This historical background helps to put our modern thinking in perspective. Furthermore, it really shows how much progress has been made from our early understanding of the universe. He shows how it has taken science thousands of years to get where it is today, in terms of our understanding of the operation of the universe.

Then, he begins discussing the theories of the big bang, quantum physics, and other theories that are used today. According to Stephen Hawking, M-theory unites the different schools of thought within string theorists. He feels that this model of the universe does an excellent job of explaining the existence of the universe, as well as how the physical world operates. The multiple dimensions in this theory indicate that our 3 dimensional reality that we are able to perceive is only a tiny fraction of what actually exists throughout all dimensions. He feels that this has enormous implications for our understanding of the physical world.

Stephen Hawking also discusses theories that the universe may not be a singular entity. Instead, he feels that it is possible there is a group of multiple universes existing at the same time. He does not feel that life is necessarily present in all of these universes though. Instead, he said that life has likely developed in some but not in others. He does not feel that life necessarily has to be present in a universe. However, he does acknowledge the possibility of life in other universes. Stephen Hawking does not feel that we are necessarily or likely alone as a universe that contains life.

He also questions the notion of a unified field theory. This theory has been present in theoretical physics for many years. Albert Einstein was also a proponent of this theory. However, in The Grand Design, this theory is called into question. Furthermore, The Grand Design presents some extraordinary ideas and bits of evidence that show that unified field theory is not necessarily accurate.

Those who have read the book tend to speak highly of it. In addition to containing a lot of very fascinating information, Stephen Hawking uses a very captivating style of writing. This helps to make the information digestible to the reader. He explains his ideas in a very logical and systematic fashion. While the material of the book is quite complex, his style of writing makes it easier for the reader to understand it. The fact that the information is well organized makes it very easy to follow. The book is also a readable 199 pages, making it very digestible. All in all, readers felt that the fascinating content presented in the book along with a digestible length and style of writing make this book an excellent read. It has been highly recommended by many people, and it is an excellent read for anyone who is a physics enthusiast.
